Gokuraku-yu Keio Takaosan Onsen is near the world heritage Mt Takaosan. Therefore, you can enjoy hot springs surrounded by nature. The open rock bed bath particularly uses hot spring from 1000m under the ground. There are lukewarm and hot water springs, so you can enjoy various different types of hot springs depending on your preference.
There are microbubbles generated from a hot spring tub made of cypress. Microbubbles are extremely fine bubbles that will eliminate dirt from your skin. The artificial sparkling hot spring, just like pop soda, is quite rare in Japan as well.
Whilst it improves blood circulation, it is said to have effects beauty wise as well. There are also restaurants that serve various menus, but we especially recommend the buckwheat noodles. Among the various kings of buckwheat noodles, the noodles with pounded yam from Takao is especially popular. There are other delicious dishes that you can enjoy with a cold glass of beer that will cool off your body from the hot springs.
Detail of Gokuraku-yu Keiou Takaosan Onsen
Address | 〒193-0844 2229-7, Takao-cho, Hachioji-shi,Tokyo, Japan |
Business hours | 8AM-23PM |
Web | [ http://www.takaosan-onsen.jp/]( http://www.takaosan-onsen.jp/) |
Notice | Tattoos, body paint and stickers are prohibited. |