Visit the spots which are related to seven Japanese great authors in Yanesen.

Yanesen area is related to Japanese famous authors and novelists which used to live here. You should visit団子坂 (Dangozaka) located in Sendagi which relates to famous novels or visit the former estates of famous authors. Nowadays many universities are located in this area. This town is also known as ‘literature town.’

1.Former remaining house and side of 夏目漱石 (Sōseki Natsume) where he wrote the  novel「我が輩は猫である(wagahai wa neko de aru / I’m a cat)****」.

Sōseki Natsume was one of the great novelists during Meiji period. After finishing his study in the UK he became a teacher at Tokyo University and wrote during the time he lived nearby Nezujinjya. Common name is猫の家 (Neko no ie / house of cat).
He wrote novels such as 「我が輩は猫である (wagahai wa neko de aru / I’m a cat)」「坊ちゃん(Botchan)」「草枕(Kusa makura / Grass Pillow)」here.

His former house was relocated in 明治村(Meiji Mura) Inuyama city of Aichi.

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**2.Feel****森鴎外 (Ōgai Mori ) world, **観潮楼跡(Kancho-Ro Ato)

source: 文京区立森鴎外記念館

At the 「Ōgai Mori Memorial Museum」in Sendagi, you can see the manuscripts

of 「半日(hannichi)」「ノラ(Nora)」 and letters which he wrote to Sōseki Natsume and others.

After he finished his Medical Science study in Germany, he lived at the house which he named 「観潮楼(kancho-Ro)」. He often took a walk from Nezujinjya to Komagome.

It’s call YabushitaDori. Ōgai Mori was known as a military doctor and a novelist. But he had more talents such as being a playwright, critic and a translator.

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**3.**天王寺五重塔跡(Tennoji Gojyunoto ato)・幸田露伴(Rohan Kōda

幸田露伴(Rohan Kōda)was working as an author 100 years ago.

Together with尾崎紅葉(Kōyō Ozaki), the period wascalled紅露時代(KōRo Jidai)He has built a position as an author. His representative work was about “Gojyu no to” in Yanaka. Unfortunately, the “Gojyu no to” was burned down.

Now you only can see the remains at this historical site. It’s located at the public cemetery, Yanakareien. In spring, the cherry blossoms are blooming and many people come to visit.

≫See more「Spots which related to Rohan Kōda」( Link to individual page)

4.World view of famous author of mystery novels 江戸川乱歩(Ranpo Edogawa) and 団子坂(Dango Zaka)

One of the great authors which relates to Sendagi is Ranpo Edogawa. He is one of Japanese most famous novelists for mystery stories. His mystery novel 「D坂の殺人事件(D zaka no satsujin jiken /The Case of the Murder on D. Hill)」 is related to “Dango Zaka,” After publishing this novel ,he became popular. When he lived in this area, he owned a second hand book store三人書房 (Sannin shobo). He also worked for a detective office. The main character of his work, 明智小五郎( (Kogoro Akechi) might be related to his experiences working for this office.
Nearby is a Caféコーヒー乱歩°( Coffee Ranpo) of which the owner of the café is a fan of Ranpo.

≫See more「Spots which related to Ranpo Edogawa」( Link to individual page)

5.川端康成(Yasunari Kawabata) who has moved many times around Yanesen

川端康成(Yasunari Kawabata) is an author who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, about 50 years ago. Since being a student he has often moved his place of living during a period of 14 years. During this period he published a novel which almost every Japanese knows the story伊豆の踊り子(Izu no odoriko / The Dancing Girl of Izu). The name of the limited express train Odoriko (Dancing girl) from Tokyo to Izu has it’s origin from this novel. 喜久月(Kikutsuki) which is in Yanaka was Yasunari Kawabata’s favorite Japanese sweets shop.

≫See more「Spots which related to Yasunari Kawabata」( Link to individual page)

6.北原白秋( HakushūKitahara )has lived in Sendagi for 8 years

北原白秋(Hakushū Kitahara) has lived about 100 years ago in Sendagi for a period of 8 years.He was a disciple of 与謝野鉄幹 (Tekkan Yosano). He wrote a Tanka (a short poem) and poem for the poetry publication 明星 (Myōjō) and スバル( Subaru). He joined観潮楼歌会(Kanchoro Utakai) which was held in “Kanchoro “where Ogai Mori’s house is and became related to other famous authors.

After that he formed the パンの会 (Pan no kai ) and published his first poetry「邪宗門(Jashumon)」. His lyrics for the lullaby ゆりかごのうた (Yurikago no uta )is so famous that almost all Japanese know this song. He also wrote more than 50 school songs for high schools and universities.

≫See more「Spots which related to Hakushū Kitahara」( Link to individual page)

**7.Banana Yoshimoto **

Banana Yoshimoto is a famous novelist who arrived from Sendagi. Her debut book as Novelist isキッチン(Kitchen) in 1988. Her other works are TSUGUMI(1989) イヤシノウタ(Iyashi no Uta)and many more. Near her Parents’ house, there is a Hongo library where she used to write novels when she was a 10 years old girl. Many of her novels are translated and published in foreign languages. She won several times literacy awards in Italy besides this she is famous in many other countries.

≫See more「Spots which related to Banana Yoshimoto」( Link to individual page)

**8.At the子規庵(Shikian) in remembrance正岡子規(Shiki Masaoka) **

Related to Shiki Masaoka in Yanesen is “Shikian” as a designated Tokyo historic site. Shikian is a former residence where Shiki Masaoka where he worked as a poet. Also he took medical treatment here. He enjoyed the four seasons in the garden at this location. That gave him power to write. Shiki Masaoka was a poet but also he was well known as one of the persons who made baseball popular in Japan.

The admission fee for Shikian is 500 yen (for adults.)

**9.**佐藤春夫(Haruo Sato) wrote lyrics of Bunkyo-ku

Haruo Sato is a novelist and poet. He wrote lyrics of Bunkyo-ku. The lyrics

begin with: ああ大江戸のむかしより(Aa ooedo no Mukashi yori)gives a good historical and cultural view on Bunkyo-ku, Haruo Sato used to live in Dangozaka. He wrote poetries which were published in Subaru, Mitabungaku.